Welcoming #9

December 8th came and went with a blur as that was the original due date for you, our sweet #9. As each day passed we held our breath wondering when you would make your appearance. The doctor said it would be super quick once it started and that scared your dad fearing you would come before we made it to the hospital. On Monday, December 13th  (40 weeks and 5 days) at 1:30 in the morning, I woke up to go to the bathroom. I had my first contraction followed by another one 7 minutes later. I quickly woke up your dad.. who sat straight up and said ‘we don’t have much time’ HAHA. Your dad texted our friend who was going to stay with your siblings. While I labored in the kitchen, and he rushed around the house gathering our things for the hospital.

We arrived at the hospital at 2:30am. 1 hour after the first contraction! With one look and realizing you were our 9th, they hurried us straight back to triage.  Mommy was checked and was 8cm dilated. (Yep that was quick!) All was good to go to proceed with a VBAC. They hurried me to a room and began setting up for you to arrive. We had the most amazing midwife who was calm and patient with mommy. She asked how I wanted to labor and allowed me to stand –a huge answer to prayer. Because things were happening so fast I didn’t get a COVID test or an IV (yeah!!) but my contractions were extremely strong. It was suggested that I have my water broken so you could arrive. When that happened we realized you had already had a bowel movement. This didn’t stop the plan, but we had to have a heart rate monitor placed to check your stress levels. I was moved to the bed to check how things were going, I was a 10!!!.. the midwife said.. lets go ahead and push. So I gave 3 good pushes.. but I knew nothing was happening with them. Then your heart rate dropped really low and they called the doctor to try and use the vacuum. As your heart rate was still having issues and then they realized you actually were only at a station 0. Which isn’t good. Something was keeping you from moving down. The midwife sat at the edge of the bed and I said.. I know something is wrong. She said yes I think so. With tears in my eyes and searching your daddy’s face for confirmation, we decided to have a  C-SECTION. But I just knew something wasn’t right. Within seconds they were prepping me to go into surgery. Your dad said that there were so many nurses and medical personal in the room, then once they wheeled me out it was completely silent. At that moment with only the beeping of the heart rate monitor, it was a bit eerie. Because it was a true emergency your dad could not go with me, and I had to be sedated. The last thing I remember was hearing the doctor hollering “you need to move faster!!”

the best labor
In recovery. Joel loved how Caleb was staring at me, I was still asleep
Our sweet #9
Holding our blessing for the first time

I woke up what felt like hours later to see you lying in the little hospital cradle next to me. I was so drowsy I was nervous to hold you, as I was afraid I would drop you.  You were born at 3:53am on Dec 13th. You weighed 6lbs 14oz and were 19.5 inches long.

Once the doctor came to check on me and send me up to a room, we found out indeed something was wrong. You had shifted in the birth canal and arched your neck causing you to become lodged. This would not have been something we could have known. I am so glad we went with my gut and opted for a C-Section. The rest of the day was very hard for mommy as I had to now recover from major surgery. 

the beauty of a newborn

When you were two days old, we shared the name we felt the Lord give us. Mommy had wanted Shepherd – as she knew you will to be a mighty leader in the Lords army. Daddy felt a few times throughout the pregnancy that Caleb was a neat name. Once we found out the meaning of Caleb we fell in love with it. Caleb – in the Bible remained wholeheartedly devoted to God and because of that, he was given a great reward! So after much prayer, you were named: Caleb Shepherd “Brave Faithful Leader”

We spent the next 6 days in the hospital, as mommy’s health was a struggle. Three days after you were born (and as they were releasing us) mommy’s blood pressure spiked and she was diagnosed with Postpartum Preeclampsia (she also had this with Lydia). The medicine caused serve headaches and flu-like symptoms.  I struggled with the most intense headache, I was barely awake for those 24 hours of the Magnesium Sulfate. It was seriously the worst. They kept me monitoring my blood pressure, which will take weeks to even out. Finally, after spending six days of meeting you, loving on you, and working to get strong, we were released! First stop home was to meet the eight siblings so anxiously waiting to love on you!

Moments after they told me I had to stay due to high blood pressure
Being released
thanks to COVID the sibling met Caleb via facetime

Every Good Gift

As I was scrolling Christmas pictures I ran across this picture. I have never seen a picture of myself, while someone opened a gift I have given. The shear joy on my face, as I watched my daughter open this gift…. A gift I had searched for, asked questions about, found the best deal, arranged for pick up, and then wrapped so beautifully. For her.My daughter.As I looked at this, I became so emotional. Thinking, how God feels when he gives gifts to me.. us. How his face must beam similar to mine in this picture.How his heart must feel like exploding with joy.Because he has given me/us something we cannot give ourselves.Something eternal.Something much greater than a Christmas gift under a tree.Instead a son who died on a tree, for me his daughter, for you his child.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of the heavenly lights.” James 1:17

8th Grade

Although this year our oldest will be entering 8th grade, I would use this curriculum for any middle schooler. We do all our History on a cycle and this year are covering American History [here is how I do our Family learning ].Morning Basket will also be included in our daily schedule [click HERE for our style].

We start our day with calendar time – which for middle school is journaling. Then we move to morning basket, which we do as a family. On Tuesdays we have our formal history day. Then he’ll go do individual work at the table. I allow them to pick which topic they complete first. Fix-it Grammar, Pre-Algbra, Novel Studies (his first book will be My side of the mountain), and typing will be completed each day. Each year in middles school we have them do one large writing assignment, (6th grade was their autobiography, 7th testimony, 8th interview a grandparent and write a biography). Reading is done all the time, but I also have each of my children read aloud to me. EVEN my middle schooler, there are many reasons, but the most important for me is that they read with correct emotion and confidence.

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We will be doing Uncle Sam and You this year also. I have not use this yet but honestly I am so excited!

We also attend a co-op where he will do guitar, lego robotic competition team, Graphic design, and Chemistry- lab. He will also swim JV for a local private school.

Hope this helps!

History “Family Learning”

IMG_20200713_101720_MPToday I am starting with History, which for our family has always been done together. No matter the age, we all sit down and go through this together! We have LOVED Mystery of History.. https://themysteryofhistory.com .. We would read a chapter and do the fun activities.

IMG_20200726_104336This year I wanted a very American History focused study. So I purchased our Spine ( choose one book, or curriculum, that you use as the launching point for your studies. You read a small section of the spine, then take off and doadditional research on the topic of interest, we use books for this.). Our Spine this year was A Childs First Book of American History.. then I pulled all the books from our personal library and purchased some from thrift books.com, the library is a great resource also! This allows my kiddos to read living books about the given topic. I group my books into sections (so as we read along the spine book, they can choose books at their level to read along at their leisure). The photo of all our books are for ALL my kiddos (I have 8 children). I like to have many different levels, so they are able to pick and choose and have books on their level. THIS IS LIKELY to many for the average family. Although, having a great selection will open your kiddos mind to so much more!! 

IMG_20200726_104904We only do 1 day a week of formal lessons in history. For us it is Tuesday. After morning basket we stay on the floor and everyone pulls out theirnotebook. As I read, we discuss and usually venture down some pretty amazing bunny trails. Sometime we use youtube videos or other books we have to dive into our topic more. Once we are done exploring they grab their notebooks and draw pictures and write facts on what we learned about. I keep these and usually bind them at the end of the year. Its so cool to see each child’s writing, drawing, and all that they learned in one neat personal book. (This is totally optional). We typically spend about one hour in history, sometime 1.5 hours of formal teaching a week. Countless hours are spent reading during the week on ‘the topic’. 

I also pull books for that week, and they will look at the pictures, or read them throughout the week on their own. They have free rein of these books and honestly seeing them laying on the floor in ‘nonschool hours’ and reading is what its all about. 

Family learning is a great time to have fun, learn as a family, engage together. To be very open, these are my kids favorite times of learning. My oldest has said, he wants to homeschool because of these specific times!

To start your own history, pick where you wanted to start. We started 4 years ago and are on a cycle. We will go back to creation next year. and repeat the cycle.

Most importantly ENJOY it, make it fun. It doesn’t have to be hard or hours upon hours.


Kinder Curriculum

Kindergarten: about 30-40 mins of seat work a day

I believe if its working for you, why fix it?!

We are about to being our 5th year of kindergarten and not much has changed for me regarding individual curriculum.


What I’ll be showing today is JUST individual work or seat work for my kinder. These topics are done at the table and I work with them. I love it because the curriculum is spiral method, and the kiddos love it because it is very colorful!




Math: Horizons Kinder Books 1 & 2


Phonics: Horizon Kinder Books 1 & 2

**we take phonics slower at our home. The publishers have 4 books for kinder. We noticed we were checking boxes but it was very exhausting for our 5/6 year olds to sit and complete so much. So we shortened it to 2 books. One each semester and WHEW, I am so glad we did. Our children have a true love for reading and have a great
foundation. (We use kinder book 3&4 in 1st grade and 1st grade books in 2nd grade..ect) We have seen ZERO issues with this method; instead have seen so much growth.

Reader: Kinder reader book 1&2 (I do not accomplish this in our  ‘school day’. We usual are all cuddled on the couch after ‘quite time’ and everyone reads to me

Flash cards: we only begin using in semester 2


Calendar time



Calendar time:

Name writing/tracing, weather, months, days, #’s



Tracing: https://www.totschooling.net/…/editable-name-tracing.html

Calendar time: https://1plus1plus1equals1.net/?s=Calendar+time

Our kinder student will also attend a co-op 1 day a week and will be learning ASL, taking PE, a Local Heros class, & a reading exploring class


Not to mention HOURS of lap reading! We also do “family learning” with everyone for morning basket/art study/composer study/science/history: which Ill share soon.

Ask questions!!

Prek Curriculum

I have been receiving a bunch of texts/messages from mommas trying to navigate these new school options. There is so much out there in the homeschooling community. This is just our families take and what works best for us. Lets get the conversation started.. A friend shared her curriculum, and I thought what a fantastic idea.. So I will post through the next few days/weeks different ages and what our family uses.

Today IIMG_20200720_115558
ll start with Preschool. Feel free to ask questions!!
This is what my toddler/prek will use. We love hands on activities.. there will be days filled with other hands on play, but this is the purchased, prepared ‘stuff’. My goal is alphabet introduction, name spelling, counting, colors. We start with Calendar time, which is the first picture.. we have songs we sing to cover, 


months, days, and name tracing. All these are in page protectors!

The 2nd picture is from Confessions of a homeschooler. Years ago I pruchased and laminated the entire set. Lots of hands on manipulative and reinforcements. I put each letter in a folder and then store it in the #2 bucket.

Reminder a prek student should only do a about 20 mins of straight seat work.. engaging in large floor puzzles, play dough, bowls with # cards and running to find the right amount, cooking with mom, count as school!

Not to mention HOURS of lap reading!!!
We also have “family learning” which includes History, Science and Bible which they are included in!

Tackling Daily Chores


Kent Family Chores

Morning: Before breakfast is served

12 year old: puts dishes in dishwasher/cleans counter

10 year old: prepares the toddlers breakfast

8 year old: wipes down the bathroom sink & sweep

6 year old: put away top shelve in dishwasher

5 year old: bottom shelve in dishwasher

4 year old: silverware

Daily Chores: these chores are done through out the day sometimes xx times a day

12 year old: switch laundry over (washer-dryer), bring trash can in (on trash day)

10 year old: take trash out from kitchen, Bring recycle can in (on trash day)

8 year old: fill water pitcher up

6 year old: take recycle out from kitchen

5 year old: take laundry from dyer to bedroom

4 year old: put a bag in trash can

2 year old: replace shoes in tote

Area of attack: done many times throughout the day

12 year old: kitchen (sweep, put anything away ect)

10 year old: outside porch (sweep, make sure in order), vacuum the bedrooms

8 year old: living room (vacuum, put any toys- things away)

6 year old: 1 bedrooms (insure the toy shelve is in order and things are put away)

5 & 4 year old: 1 bedroom (insure the toy shelve is in order and things are put away)


I split this up between a few kids to help ease the load


take everything out/put back in – place all ‘fabric’ in washer machine

sink & toilet

bath & floor

after lunch/dinner:

12 year old: dishes

10 year old: sweep

8 year old: wipe down table, puts all cold stuff back in refridge

6 year old: sweep up piles made

5 & 3 year old: puts place setting away

Days of the week: Major chores

Monday: Co-op day no chores

Tuesday: kitchen (clean out refrigerator) dust, mop

Wednesday: Bathrooms

Thursday: laundry (I do 90% of our laundry on this day.) wash/dry/put away

Friday: living room (dust, vacuum, clean couch) / master bedroom (sheets, dust)

Saturday: bedroom sheets/clean kids rooms

After every meal they must put their own place setting in sink.

Laundry is put away by each child 3 and up. (l put dress clothes away)



Eden Claire

The days and weeks leading up to your birth.. is like no other story. Our country was in a health crisis. There was a virus called COVID-19 (or Coronavirus) running wild over the entire world and countries were totally shutting down. China, France, and Italy were all on lock down. Meaning people could not leave their homes or come as they pleased because folks were dying from this virus. March is when it finally made its way to America and began to show effects on our daily lives. By March 13th HUGE changes had been made. Everything was shut down, the whole nation was not even going to school, you could not go inside a restaurant to eat, only drive through. Everyone had a mask on and gloves. It was so impactful even Disney World closed its doors!! Daddy was sent home to work while the rest of us played and did school, but not leaving our home. At this point we had been home since March 13th.. no grocery shopping, no play-dates, no Co-op, no church. Daddy had to get the essentials for us to eat and live off of but other than that we were home. Life as we knew it was changing so very quickly.

It was a nerve-racking time to be pregnant not knowing what was around the corner as new health procedures where being put in place everyday. The hospital had implemented new rules on visitors just two days prior (but by the time you were born those policies changed again and become more strict). No visitors, only the mom and dad. This was especially hard since your sibling were all excited to come to the hospital to meet you. On March 24th, 2020 Orlando’s Mayor called for a ‘stay-at-home-order’. Meaning everything was shut down and no one was to leave their home for 2 weeks. This was to go in place on March 26th…. Your due date.

Mommy was a rollercoaster of emotions not knowing what to expect. Tuesday night March 24th, mommy was really tired and went to lay down at about 8:00pm. Around 10:50pm she woke to go to the bathroom and by 11:08pm she had her first contraction. After waking daddy we quickly called Mrs. Leah to come and sleep over while we ran to the hospital. Where we were greeted with masks to wear the entire length of our stay (even mommy who was in labor was asked to wear one), and questioned about our health (making sure we did not have the COVID-19 virus). We arrived at around 12:15am on March 25th. After getting checked in (and handed a dreadful mask- which I wore for about 5 seconds) Mommy was 7cm dilated. They hurried me up to a room and things progressed quickly to 9cm. Mommy’s mind keep saying push but my body wasn’t quite ready yet and I was getting pretty wore out. The entire time mommy labored daddy had a mask on.. which made it really hard for mommy to see his emotions. Labor was extremely hard and 90% in her back. The hospital staff wanted mommy to lay on her back and with such bad contractions –in her back- it was near impossible.

To help mommy’s body prepare to push she got an epidural. This was about 1:30. At 3:30 the doctor came in and said “I think its time to push”. Mommy was now more rested and her body was ready to get you here. At this point daddy had to go to the bathroom.. needless to say 2 minutes longer he would have missed your birth!! With 3 pushes you entered our world! You were sunny-side-up meaning you were looking up when you were born. Which explains the back labor mommy was having. You came out perfectly perfect! Mommy was able to cut the cord and you were laid on her chest right away. You were wide eyed and stared at mommy for the next 45 minutes!

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You were Born on March 25th, 2020 @ 4:00am weighting in at 8lbs and 9oz and you were 21 inches long.

We were waiting on a name from the Lord for you. After a short time we felt you were to be named Eden Claire, which means ‘Beautiful Clarity.’ Your life (although as of today very small) has brought so much beauty and clarity. Teaching mommy to trust God when the world is upside down and helping daddy grasp the goals for our lives. Mommy has loved the name Eden for years, but Claire was given by God. As mommy looked into the clouds while at the hospital, she felt very sure God placed that name on her heart. It wasn’t a name that they had ever discussed.. it was given straight from God. We just realized that the year is 2020 which means perfect vision.. and your name is Beautiful Clarity. God has placed a call on your life sweet child!!

You are a warrior sweet girl and I am honored and excited to see you flourish into all that God has called you to be!



As I sit thinking about how just like that all of the hustle and bustle of Christmas is coming to a close and so very quickly ending. How tomorrow we will begin taking down our 15 years of memories displayed via ornaments down off the most beautiful tree. How all the happy Christmas mail will be clipped together and packed away. The red and green farmhouse dishtowels are washed and now folded, to be packed into a tote and stored away.

How all of sudden its ending. But as I sat with my oldest daughter scrolling my photo gallery on my phone I see all the smiles, and laughter. Most around the tree which is seated right in the middle of our living-room.. and can be viewed throughout ½ our home.

How my 4 year old would wake at 6:30am and wonder to the couch after he turned on the tree ‘cause mommy I love looking at it.’ For our 9 year, old math was done quicker and with ease while laying on the floor under the tree. Not to mention the creative dancing was at its finest around the tree. In three short weeks ‘the tree’ became the center point of our home. All wanted to be around it..no matter the reason. Each night Joel and I would sit on the couch and just stare at it. It brought a peace and familiarity that grounded us each day.

To some its just a tree. Or a tradition, that just happens each year. But this year I see hope. We weren’t able to do our normal ‘cut down aka run to home-depot’ and pick out a tree.. as life was zooming around us. But was given the blessing of this beauty from some dear friends.

Looking at all the different pictures depicts the most beautiful thing.

Love. Laughter. joy. hope.

Isn’t that what Christmas is all about?

Getting to be ourselves in all the unique ways we were created..because of the ONE who was placed in a manger (made from tree branches). Great love, joy, laughter was shown, that night. But it doesn’t end there. After the manger was long forgotten.. another tree was used to give us hope. The cross.


So this year. I am choosing to remember why its so hard to pack up this gift. Because for me.. My beautiful Christmas tree reminds me of Christ’s Love, Joy, Hope for me. My husband. My children. My life.

And I am so grateful.

“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” –
2 Corinthians 9:15

~still learning



Cliff Notes

Yesterday my oldest son and I ran into Goodwill to look for a 1800’s shirt for me.. HAHA random I know.. So I sent him to look at the books, which thrilled him since books and reading ARE his love language. I searched for my shirt, while he came back a few times asking if this book or that would be a good read. Ultimately, with a little help we walked out of there with eight new chapter books and no 1800s shirt.. hahah.

As I laid in bed after shopping, I laughed at the conversations we had while reading different books summaries.. Some were silly, some where mysteries (which he dislikes), some were biographies, and one was a Billy Graham devotional (which shockingly made it into the top 8). As I thought about each book, I realized how life is so different.

This past week marks 3 years since we moved from our beloved GA home, to my hometown in Florida. If you follow my blog much you know we lived in GA for 10 years, started our marriage there, became parents there, began careers, bought cars and our first home. Made life-time kind of friendships and pretty much loved it. Then in a blink God asked us to move. The move caused challenges in ways we didn’t expect and paths we weren’t looking for, and the deep *joy* searching, we needed.

Its funny –ok not really funny- how life is so different than a book. We get to flip the book over and in 5 sentence catch a glimpse of a life story..then we get to choose if we want to read it or put it back. Levi and I read the backs of about 10 books we DID NOT keep. Four of the books we purchased were classic favorites we didn’t need to read, because they are well known. But we were able to catch a glimpse of the authors goals and then decide to keep or put back.


Goodwill Finds






things I love


learning to be me

Life. Or at least mine doesn’t have that luxury. There is no ‘flipping over’, or even skimming through the chapters to catch what’s next. And certainly no ‘put back option’.


Instead I have to trust. Trust that my Author is masterminding the perfect, award-winning story. And I am just a character in the book. Once I realize that this story is not about me, but about my Author then I can rest in that truth.

Minutes turn into hours which turn into days.. they float by like words turn pages turn chapters turn novels. Allowing God to direct my steps and actions, takes the guesswork out of the ‘whats next’. I am not writing my story. I am living it, yes but IF I am on my knees asking and seeking.. He will lead me.

I do not get to see the summary on the back – of my life-book. But allowing Him to FULLY use me, gives me the freedom to be used to make my book/life worthy to be pick up and read.

Allow Him to fully write your story. although it will not be roses at times it will be worth it!

Learning to trust the ultimate Author in writing my cliff notes!!
